Five Links on Friday – 21 October 2016

Close up of @atticamelbourne's Smashed Avo on Toast. Photo by the incredible @colinpagephoto

A photo posted by Ben Shewry (@benshewry) on

  1. There’s something in this article about how “dirty” food is for the rich and stupid that needs expanding on: how it builds cultural capital to eat trashy food if you’re rich but frowned upon if you’re forced to do it because you live in a food desert. I can’t help but feel it links to the long history of “slumming” from the 1800s, that same mix of voyeurism, exploitation and social paranoia.
  2. Only one in five millennials has tried a Big Mac. The Wall Street Journal points out how the Golden Arches are failing to keep pace with the demand for higher quality hamburgers.
  3. An inside look at America’s byzantine systems that attempt to stop the next big foodborne illness
  4. The origins of authenticity
  5. How to cook fish using hot beeswax via Yu-ching Lee

Five Links on Friday – 2 May 2008

Five Links on (Good) Friday

melting icecream truck
Photo Credit: Wooster Collective

Five links on Friday: This week in transglutaminase.

  • What is transglutaminase? – according to Wikipedia, they:

    are a family of enzymes…that catalyze the formation of a covalent bond between a free amine group (e.g., protein- or peptide-bound lysine) and the gamma-carboxamid group of protein- or peptide-bound glutamine. Bonds formed by transglutaminase exhibit high resistance to proteolytic degradation.

    In layman’s terms, it’s meat glue. They let you glue protein-y things together, like gluing bacon to fish or more commonly, gluing mechanically- separated meats into chicken nuggets. It woud be what you’d find on the buffet on the Island of Dr Moreau. If you’ve never heard of it or the brand Activa before, my guess is that your reaction would be similar to Prendick’s discovery of Moreau’s vivisectionist ways:

  • “Monsters manufactured!” said I. “Then you mean to tell me–”

    “Yes. These creatures you have seen are animals carven and wrought into new shapes. To that, to the study of the plasticity of living forms, my life has been devoted. I have studied for years, gaining in knowledge as I go. I see you look horrified, and yet I am telling you nothing new. It all lay in the surface of practical anatomy years ago, but no one had the temerity to touch it.”

  • What is Activa then? – it is Ajinomoto’s brand name for their transglutaminase products. Let them explain it to you
  • Alex and Aki from Ideas in Food reinvent popcorn shrimp – with chicken skin! and meat glue!
  • Food Trends: too much Activa is never enough – NY mag unsuccessfully attempts to coin the term "Frankensteak"
  • Food Trends: For the love of Activa – Hock from Gutfeelings glues together some 9+ wagyu scraps into saleable steak.

Five links on ummm…Sunday

Sorry…I made a quick trip to Sydney and forgot that I was meant to be posting this on Friday. Enjoy your long weekend, Australians.

Five Links on Friday: Leap Year Edition, 2008

Five Links on Friday: 22 February 2008